Large Catechism Fire Determined to Be Arson

Investigators who have been picking through the rubble of a fire that was set in late January of 2023 have determined that arsonists intentionally set the fire. Said one investigator who has been working closely with Operation Valkyrie, “Nothing about this fire made sense. This fire was just as suspicious as the Reichstag fire of February, 1933.”

When asked how they determined the fire was arson, one investigator quipped, “We saw a consistent pattern of intentional misinformation about the Large Catechism with Annotations and Contemporary Application being spread on certain Twitter accounts connected Corey J. Mahler, who is a self-professed devotee of Adolf Hitler and promoter of racial segregation and anti-semitism. When we noticed that their rhetoric regarding the Large Catechism consistently broke the 8th Commandment and was being used to foment hatred and distrust toward the leadership of the LCMS we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt we were dealing with arson.”

Mahler and his accomplices regularly refer to the Large Catechism as being “pro-pedophile”, “pro-gay”, and “pro-trans”.

The Large Catechism does not in any way promote homosexuality, pedophilia or transsexualism. In fact, the Large Catechism strongly holds the line against these and strongly affirms the Biblical sexual standards. In Stephen Lee’s article on the Sixth Commandment and written to help Christians who struggle with gender dysphoria and homosexual attraction , the Large Catechism clearly states:

Gender identity and homosexual attraction are not problems only for non-Christians. Some Christians sense themselves as the gender or sex opposite to their physical sex. Other Christians are sexually attracted to individuals of the same sex. Those who believe the Word of God know that something is wrong with what they are experiencing when they feel such things. Nevertheless, they love and trust God as much as anyone else.

By faith, they and fellow Christians understand that God creates humankind male and female ( Genesis 1:27 ). With that, God also usually gives the internal sense of one’s gender as congruent with one’s physical sex. It is normal among people of every time and place for those who are physically male to act and feel like boys and men and for those who are physically female to act and feel like girls and women.

We, including some who experience homosexual attraction, believe that God defines marriage as between “a man” and “his wife” ( Genesis 2:24 ; Matthew 19:4–5 ). God intends sexual activity only within marriage. People sin if they desire or engage in homosexual activity. We also believe that God forgives penitent sinners for Jesus’ sake. He forgives when people despise His creation of their male or female bodies. He also forgives homosexual sin. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” ( 1 John 1:9 ).(1)

The new Large Catechism affirms that God created us male and female and that God permits sexual activity only within a marriage between “a man” and “his wife”. Since that is so clearly stated, there is no possible way for the Large Catechism to be “pro-pedophile”, “pro-gay”, and “pro-trans”. The only explanation for Mahler and his followers promoting these lies about the Large Catechism is that they are intentionally and knowingly spreading them. They were primarily the ones who manufactured the controversy, and they are the ones who have clearly tried to benefit from it.

Corey J. Mahler has already been excommunicated since his heretical teachings were outed due to his involvement in setting the Large Catechism Fire. Time will tell whether his fellow arsonists will also be excommunicated for their own participation and heresies.


1. Pless. Rev. John. T.,Vogel, Rev. Larry M.. Luthers Large Catechism with Annotations and Contemporary Applications (pp. 370-371). Kindle Edition.


Fisking a Turnip, Part 5: What If THEY Heard The Gospel. Bonus level: Woe’s False Standards.


Fisking a Turnip, Part 4: Homosexuals, Slanders, and Reversing Jesus